Lubrifiant de Chaîne MOTOREX - 500ml | Kreidler RS 50 1978 33561 | Wemoto France
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  • /LUBRICANT_CHAIN/wemoto-10090924.jpg
Ce produit s'adapte à votre Kreidler RS-G/RSH-G and GS 50cc 1978

Lubrifiant de Chaîne MOTOREX - 500ml - Kreidler RS-G/RSH-G and GS 50cc 1978

Code Constructeur : AC1883

3 En stock

€19.16 19.16 TVA incluse

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White Lubricant.
Fully synthetic clear formula has absolute resistance against fling-off and is completely waterproof.
Compatible with o-rings, x-rings and z-rings.

Created with Sketch.
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