• /CHAIN_LINK/10033045.jpg
  • /CHAIN_LINK/10033045.jpg
Ce produit s'adapte à votre Yamaha DT 50 R 2008

Maillon Attache-Rapide - Chaîne DID - Super Renforcée - Yamaha DT 50 R 2008

Code Constructeur : AB5327

1 En stock

€1.74 1.74 TVA incluse

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Liste des Applications

Marque Modèle Description Année Pays

DID Chain Links

RJ Slip-on Spring Link

A clip-type connecting link. The cover plates is designed for easy installation, slip-on fit to the pins and can be installed with a set of pliers.
A slip-on spring link has approximately 60% of the strength of the other links in the chains and so is not recommended for larger models or those with O-rings.

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